Level 2 - Adv. Dip. in Software Programming

Java Programming Course
Core Java

Basics : History and creation of java, Architecture, Platform independence

Control Flow Statements : Control statements, If-else , switch-case, iteration loops, while loop, do while loop, for loop, break,continue

Oops Concepts : Oops Concepts, Data Types, Keywords, Operators

Access specifiers & Arrays: public, private, protected, default, Arrays, Strings, class overview, class instantiation(object creation) References, Methods

Overloading & Overriding Concepts : Constructor Overloading, Method Overloading, Arguments passing, call by value, call by reference, Method overriding,”final” , ”abstract”, interface,” implements” String overview of packages, using packages, defining one’s own packages

Garbage Collection : Garbage Collection, Finalize methods, static inheritance, “extends” keywords,Super

Exception handling : Exception handling, “throw” and “throws”, creating your own exception classes and objects

Multithreading : Multithreading concepts, Thread basics, Creating thread, Extending thread class, Implementing runnable interface thread groups, serialization

Pointers: Pointers, Relationship between Array and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Single pointer and pointer to pointer concept with examples, Call by Reference

Stream classes: Overview of input output stream classes, Examples And details of input output stream

Collections: Collections in Java


Basics : Basic Java concepts, Introduction

Architecture : Architecture, Componets, Manifest, Styles, Content Provider, Broadcast Receiver

Activity : Activity, Activity Lifecycle Intents(Explicit) 3 types

View: Listview, Gridview, BaseAdapters, ArrayAdapters, RecyclerView. Context Menu , Option Menu

Runtime Permissions : Runtime Permissions, Async Task, Implicit intents

Fragments: Fragments, Fragment Lifecycle, Fragment Communication

Json Parsing : Json Parsing ,Notification

Multithreading : Multithreading concepts, Thread basics, Creating thread, Extending thread class, Implementing runnable interface thread groups, serialization

FCM: FCM, Services, Camera, Maps, Signed Apk

Best Essential S/w Technologies (Diploma)