Level 2 - Diploma in Web Designing

Border image

Basics : What is Bootstrap? Bootstrap History, Why Use Bootstrap? Where to Get Bootstrap?Downloading Bootstrap, Bootstrap CDN, Example-Bootstrap Grids, System, Grid Classes, Basic Structure of a Bootstrap Grid, Three Equal Columns, Two Unequal Columns

Bootstrap Text : Bootstrap Text/Typography, HTML elements by Bootstrap.

Bootstrap Tables : Bootstrap Basic Table, Striped Rows, Bordered Table, Hover Rows, Condensed Table, Contextual Classes, Responsive Tables, Examples- Bootstrap Tables, Bootstrap Basic Table, Striped Rows, Bordered Table, Hover Rows, Condensed Table, Contextual Classes, Responsive Tables, Examples.

Bootstrap Images : Bootstrap Images, Bootstrap Image Shapes, Responsive Images, Image Gallery, Responsive Embeds.

Bootstrap Jumbotron : Bootstrap Jumbotron and Page Header, Creating a Jumbotron, Jumbotron Inside Container, Jumbotron Outside Container, Creating a Page Header, Example Page Header, Bootstrap Wells- Wells, Well Size, Bootstrap Alerts- Alerts, Examples- Alert Links, Closing Alerts, Animated Alerts.

Bootstrap Buttons : Button Styles, Button Sizes, Block Level Buttons, Active/Disabled Buttons, Bootstrap Button Groups- Button Groups, Vertical Button Groups, Justified Button Groups.

Bootstrap Glyphicons : Bootstrap Glyphicons, Glyphicon Syntax, Glyphicon Example, Bootstrap Dropdowns-Basic Dropdown, Dropdown Divider, Dropdown Header, Disable and Active items,Dropdown Position, Dropup, Dropdown Accessibility.

Bootstrap Tabs and Pills : Bootstrap Tabs and Pills, Menus, Tabs- Tabs With Dropdown Menu, Pills- Vertical Pills, Vertical Pills in a Row, Pills With Dropdown Menu, Centered Tabs and Pills, Toggleable / Dynamic Tabs, Toggleable / Dynamic Pills.

Bootstrap Forms : Bootstrap Forms, Bootstrap Form Layouts- Bootstrap Vertical Form (default),Bootstrap Inline Form, Bootstrap Horizontal Form, Bootstrap Form Inputs- Bootstrap Input,Bootstrap Textarea, Bootstrap Checkboxes- Bootstrap Radio Buttons, Bootstrap Select List, Static Control, Bootstrap Input Groups, Bootstrap Form Control States.

Bootstrap Carousel Plugin: Bootstrap Carousel Plugin- The Carousel Plugin, Carousel Example, How To Create a Carousel, Add Captions to Slides, Bootstrap Modal Plugin- How To Create a Modal,Modal Size, Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin- The Tooltip Plugin, How To Create a Tooltip, Positioning Tooltips.

Bootstrap Grids: Bootstrap Grid System, Bootstrap Grid – Stacked-to-horizontal,Bootstrap Grid - Small Devices, Bootstrap Grid - Medium Devices,Bootstrap Grid - Large Devices, Bootstrap Themes Bootstrap Templates Bootstrap Theme "Simply Me" Bootstrap Theme "Company" Create a Theme: "The Band".

Gimp (Photoshop)

Basics : Introduction, Create a file, Image size, Image- canvas size, scale image, Layers – New, Hide, Lock, Delete, Duplicate Layer,

Tool: Rectangle select tool, Ellipse select tool, Move tool, Bucket fill tool, Scale tool, Rorate tool, Shear tool, Text tool, Alignment tool, Perspective tool, Filp tool, Blend tool – Gradient tool, Pain tool, Zoom tool, Color Picker tool, Perspective-Gradient, Eraser tool, Clone tool, Perspective clone tool, Smudge tool, Dodge / Burn tool, Healing tool, Ink tool, Cage Transform:Deform a selection with a cage, Crop tool, Path tool, Free select tool, Fuzzy select tool, Measure tool.

Filters: Blur, Enhance, distorts – Apply Lens, Blinds, Curve Bend, Emboss, Engrave, Light and Shadow – Drop Shadow, Noise, Generic, Artistic, Decor, Export image as the as jpg. Blur, Distorts, Light & shadow, Artistic, Export File

Paint Tool : Paint Tool, Transform Tool, Color Tool, Path, Color Picker.

Perfection of Web & E-Com. Rules ( Diploma )