Diploma in Graphic Designing

Gimp (Photoshop) - Cross-Platform Image Editor

Basics : Introduction, Create a file, Image size, Image- canvas size, scale image, Layers – New, Hide, Lock, Delete, Duplicate Layer,

Tool: Rectangle select tool, Ellipse select tool, Move tool, Bucket fill tool, Scale tool, Rorate tool, Shear tool, Text tool, Alignment tool, Perspective tool, Filp tool, Blend tool – Gradient tool, Pain tool, Zoom tool, Color Picker tool, Perspective-Gradient, Eraser tool, Clone tool, Perspective clone tool, Smudge tool, Dodge / Burn tool, Healing tool, Ink tool, Cage Transform:Deform a selection with a cage, Crop tool, Path tool, Free select tool, Fuzzy select tool, Measure tool.

Filters: Blur, Enhance, distorts – Apply Lens, Blinds, Curve Bend, Emboss, Engrave, Light and Shadow – Drop Shadow, Noise, Generic, Artistic, Decor, Export image as the as jpg. Blur, Distorts, Light & shadow, Artistic, Export File

Paint Tool : Paint Tool, Transform Tool, Color Tool, Path, Color Picker.

Scribus (Page Maker) -Graphical Desktop Publishing Tool

Basics : Introduction, Setting up a canvas, File, Document Properties etc.

View : Panning – Scroll, Zoom in/out to cursor, Guide, Show/hide etc.

Layers: Add layers, rename layers, move selection to layers above etc.

shapes : creating shapes, Star, square, circle etc.

Object : Grouping, Transforming, Mask, aligning etc.

Path menu : Path menu

Text : Text and font, conver to text.

Filter : Bevel, Blurs, Color, Distort etc.

Extention : Arrange, Export etc.

Tool : Selection tool, Edit nodes tool, Sculpt tool,

Tool : Selection tool, Edit nodes tool, Sculpt tool, Measurement tool, Make rectangles, Creating polygons and stars, Make spirals, Draw freehand lines, Draw straight lines / curves, Calligraphy, Sculpt with spray, Erase, Fill, Edit gradients.

Inkscape (CorelDRAW) - Professional Vector Graphics Editor

Basics : Introduction, Setting up a canvas, File, Document Properties etc.

View : Panning – Scroll, Zoom in/out to cursor, Guide, Show/hide etc.

Layers: Add layers, rename layers, move selection to layers above etc.

shapes : creating shapes, Star, square, circle etc.

Object : Grouping, Transforming, Mask, aligning etc.

Path menu : Path menu

Text : Text and font, convert to text.

Filter : Bevel, Blurs, Color, Distort etc.

Extention : Arrange, Export etc.

Tool : Selection tool, Edit nodes tool, Sculpt tool,

Tool : Selection tool, Edit nodes tool, Sculpt tool, Measurement tool, Make rectangles, Creating polygons and stars, Make spirals, Draw freehand lines, Draw straight lines / curves, Calligraphy, Sculpt with spray, Erase, Fill, Edit gradients.