Level 1 - Essential Programming

C Programming Classes
C Programming

Basics : Origin of C Language, Meaning and Concept of C Language, Applications of C Language, Important terms related to C Language, The C Program Structure, Working with the C Compiler, Preprocessor directive, Functions used for Input and Output, Format Specifiers. A Simple ‘Hello World’ program, Libray Files, exe.

Data-types & Operator : Data-types supported by C. The use of main() Function, Constants and Variables. Types of Operator, Arithmetic Operator, Logical Operator, Relational Operators, Assignment Operators, Arithmetic Expression.

Control Flow Statements : The goto statement.The if-else and else if statement.The if switch-case statement.

Looping Structures : While. Do-While, For Loop, Break, continue and exit statements.

Functions & its Protocols : Functions & its Protocols, Functions with Arguments, Call by Value, Prototypes.

Array : Meaning and Concept of an Array, Syntax and Rules for Declaration of an array, Types of Array: Single dimensional Array, Two Dimensional Array.

Std Library functions : Strings, Std Library functions for Strings Preprocessors: #define, #include

Storage Classes : Types of storage Classes – Automatic, Extern, Static, Register, Advantages of Storage classes.

Pointers: Pointers, Relationship between Array and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Single pointer and pointer to pointer concept with examples, Call by Reference

Structure: Structure: Definition, Declaration, Initializing & Accessing Structure, Nested Structures, Array of Structures, Pointer to a Structure

File Handling: File Handling in C, Concept of file, Opening and closing a file, Different modes of opening a file, Reading and writing data in to a file. Handling text and data records in a file.


Basics : Introduction to C++, Concept of OOPS, Procedural languages and Object oriented languages- Comparison between them. Characteristics of OOPS. 1.Objects 2. Classes 3. Inheritance 4. Reusability 5. Creating new datatype 6. Polymorphism. C++ and C- Differences and Similarities.Invoking C++ through a Compiler. Writing a simple Program in C++Naming, Editing, Saving, Compiling, Linking and running a program.

Errors in C++ : Compiler Errors, Linker Errors, Basic Program Constructor, Function Program statement, white spaces, INPUT and OUTPUT in C++ programming, Comments, Data types in C++Variables in C++, Constants in C++, Type Conversion is operators, Library Functions, Escape Sequences, Library files and Header files, Overloading operators.

Loops and Decision Statements : Loops and Decision Statements, Structures specifiers.Accessing structure members. Nested Structure, Structures as objects and Datatypes, Enumerated Datatypes.

Functions : Definition and Declaration, Argument and Return Value, Reference Arguments, Overloaded Function, Default Argument, Storage Classes.

Objects and Classes : Member function and data, Private and Public, Constructor and Destructor, Uses of objects, Operator Overloading.

Arrays & Strings : Array Definition, Accessing array elements, Arrays as clear members, Array of objects, String Input/Output, String Functions.

Inheritance : Reasons for Inheritance, Base and Derived classes, Access control, Clear hierarchies, Types of Inheritance.

Storage Classes : Types of storage Classes – Automatic, Extern, Static, Register, Advantages of Storage classes.

Pointers : Virtual Pointer, Address constants and variables, Pointers and arrays, Pointers and function arguments, Pointers and string, Memory management with new and delete, Pointers and objects.

File Handling: The stream clear hierarchy, Reading and writing objects, File Pointers, Redirection, Printer- output

Data Structures

Basics : Introduction of Data Structure, Data Structures Basic (Data Defination, Data Object, Data Type )

Algorithm : How to write Algorithm, Characteristics Alogorithm

Array : Array Representation, basic, Operations (Traverse, Insertion, Deletion, Search, Update).

Linked List : Linked List Representation, Types of Linked List(Simple, Doubly, Circular), Basic Operations(Insertion, Deletetion, Display, Search, Delete)

Doubly Linked List : Doubly Linked List – Representation, Insertion, Insert Last, Deletetion, Display, Search, Delete Last, Insert , After, Display Forward, Display backward.

Circular Linked List : Basic Operations(Insert, Delete, Display)

Expression Parsing: Expression Parsing(Infix, Prefix, Postfix)

Queue : Basic Operations (Enqueue, Dequeue, isfull, isempty)

Tree Structure : Binary Tree, Tree Traversal, Binay Search Tree, Insertion and Deletion into a Binary Tree, AVL Tree, Heap

Search Techniques: Linear Search, Binary Search

Sorting Techniques : Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick

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